
All Saints’ Church, Marcham

9-19th May  

A call to prayer for the worldwide church

We invite you to join with your Christian brothers and sisters across the world in prayer for our communities, churches and families. There will be opportunities during the week which we hope will allow everyone in church to get involved in some way. There will also be prayer resources that you can take home and use either alone, with your family or with your small group.

What is this week about?

This week of prayer is to encourage everyone in our church family to get involved in praying. Prayer can be done anywhere, anytime and with anyone. We want to encourage you to pray as often as you can in a way that suits you.


From 9-19th May the Prayer Room in church will be open during daylight hours. This can be used to pray alone or with others and there will be resources to help you.

24/7 PRAYER:

From Saturday 11th to Saturday 18th we will be seeing if we can cover every hour in prayer – that’s 168 hours! We would love to see as many people as possible signing up. You can pray alone or with others; at home, in church, in the car, out walking or wherever works. If you are someone who wakes at night, perhaps you could consider covering one of the small hours of the morning. Whilst it requires commitment and dedication, time and again we have found 24/7 of prayer has a powerful impact. We will provide resources to help you pray for an hour. Please sign up by clicking on this link and entering your name against the hour(s) you'd like to cover in prayer:



Our final prayer event will be a night of Prayer, from 8pm on the 18th May to 8am on Pentecost Sunday. This event will be in church and will be run on hourly cycles so that people can come and go on the hour as suits. There will be a variety of styles and focuses throughout the night. You can do an hour or 12! No need to sign up.

 We will add more details as we finalise them!