Mission and Vision


The church we envisage is Christ Centred, Purpose Driven and People Empowering.

The church we envisage is exciting! We see a church with adults and children from different people groups and different walks of life. The church is bursting with life with initiatives focused on changing lives, changing our community and changing the perception of Church.

The church we envisage has a strong sense of family. Everyone has value and everyone has a part to play in God's great story. Family life is outworked through a network of small groups spread out across the parish. If you have not yet joined a small group why not visit one and find a group where you can be blessed and can be a blessing.

The church we envisage is passionate. Meetings are hallmarked with exuberant praise, intimate worship and inspiring preaching.

Come and join us! 


Our Vision: To be a church renewed and empowered by God's Spirit, alive to the challenges of 21st century life and through whom our communities will be transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Purpose (why): To see God's kingdom extended, and His Church grow in this Parish - to see lives transformed by the living presence of God -  Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Our Core Values (how):

Local church life: welcoming; relational; accessible to and for all generations; that builds community and family life

Worship: passionate; intimate; joyful; inspiring; culturally appropriate and that enables encounter with God

Leadership: anointed; visionary; courageous; full of faith; that releases church members in their God-given ministries

Mission:  strategic; holistic; inspired and empowered by the Spirit; concerned for the poor and encourages fresh initiatives

Teaching and training that is Bible-based: interesting; thoughtful; relevant; appropriate and applied to every area of life

Discipleship: that encourages prayerfulness, holiness, integrity, generosity and enables us to serve like Jesus

Ministry: that is inclusive, gift-orientated, life transforming and expresses God's love and power

Theology: that is orthodox in doctrine, founded on the Bible, the person and work of Jesus Christ, and the coming of the Kingdom of God.